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Space Engineers New! Announcing the Stations Design Competition!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Blitzzz333, Sep 23, 2019.

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This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Blitzzz333

    Blitzzz333 Keen PR Guy Staff

    Last edited: Oct 4, 2019
  2. Calaban

    Calaban Junior Engineer

    ooohh finally a way/means to bring back the atmo-lander derelict farm, the scourge raiding station cylon stack, the Bentusi Trade por... um... disregard.. nono nothing to inspire here.
    --- Automerge ---
    (no disco space party glass dome either- dem seizure disclaimers)
  3. mojomann71

    mojomann71 Senior Engineer

    Be looking for my cardboard box!!! lol

    Good luck to all those with the talent to make stations though!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Blitzzz333

    Blitzzz333 Keen PR Guy Staff

    Good luck and have fun! :)
  5. Malware

    Malware Master Engineer

    I'll pass. I'm no Aragath :D
  6. Roxette

    Roxette Senior Engineer

    I'll pass. I design things that are practical and useful, not things that look cool but are totally impractical.
  7. Stardriver907

    Stardriver907 Master Engineer

    I'm probably going to pass for both of these reasons, plus being limited to standard blocks, plus the block limit and the PCU limit, and I never build bases.

    But, I'm going to fire up a mod-free session and see what happens.

    I mean, I've heard rumors that things can be made in SE without mods. I'm not buying that one, though.

    5000 PCU limit? My ships have bathrooms that exceed that. What the hell kind of closet can I make that's going to pass for a space station?

    Fifty blocks wide/long/high? Seriously? That's not a space station. That's a NO-space station. That's a space phone booth. That's it, maybe it's supposed to be some sort of TARDIS. Keen's secret new block.

    Ok, Keen. I'll play your little game (see what I did there?). I'll build a station within your limits. I can do it. Sure. Some willpower, a bit of resolve... yeah, sure, why not? It'll be easy. Yeah. A snap.

    I'm going to fail at this. Miserably.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. mojomann71

    mojomann71 Senior Engineer

    I just read the rules fully. I think you guys kind of made a mistake unless you are promoting game piracy: lol



    If no purchase is necessary then how are they going to design a station and post it to the Steam workshop guys? Unless you are wanting people to pirate the game.... :)


    It now seems the wording has been updated! :)
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2019
    • Informative Informative x 1
  9. Malware

    Malware Master Engineer

    @mojomann71 Laws. They have to say that. In many countries its illegal to run competitions that require the purchase of products. Besides, someone might play on a friend's copy ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Waipa185

    Waipa185 Trainee Engineer

    1st place will have their station added to the official version of Space Engineers

    please use more than just the first place, im sure even the best 5-10 stations are worth adding in the game so we have more variety
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. doncdxx

    doncdxx Apprentice Engineer

    I was working on stations for this and realized something this game desperately needs.
    Keen, we need some bossa nova tracks for the sound block to play while people are in the trade posts. It's a must for the shopping experience.

    Feedback site suggestion
  12. Blitzzz333

    Blitzzz333 Keen PR Guy Staff

    Lol noted. :)
    --- Automerge ---
    Well, there's only one Aragath, but there a lots of talented Space Engineers out there.
    --- Automerge ---
    Thanks for the feedback. We really appreciate it.
  13. mojomann71

    mojomann71 Senior Engineer

    I am aware countries have these laws, if I am not mistaken the U.S. is one of them.
    In those countries the person running the contest where it says no purchase necessary, they have to provide a way for a person to enter without a purchase. In this instance, they are not providing any details of an alternate entry.

    On a side note, I get not everything that is posted should be taken literally, however I know these laws exist and would hate to see someone be petty and try to get a settlement.
  14. Rulin

    Rulin Apprentice Engineer

    Is it ok to use scripts and timer blocks? I was thinking about adding the auto door script for airlocks, and maybe a cooldowntimer so you know when your ship gets disconnected.
  15. Malware

    Malware Master Engineer

    @Rulin Scripts are experimental and default off, so given that this is about getting a station into vanilla, I'd make an educated guess that those are quite off limit...
  16. Waipa185

    Waipa185 Trainee Engineer

    but i think sensors and timer blocks are okay?
  17. Calaban

    Calaban Junior Engineer

    I'm thinking of using merge blocks as "auto dock lineup aids" as they will magnetic drag the docking ship into proper lineup, only will refuse to merge.
  18. Malware

    Malware Master Engineer

    Again I can only make an educated guess, but I'm pretty sure they're both already in use in the existing NPC stations... The trick, I imagine, is to not go overboard and remember that performance is key.
  19. Rulin

    Rulin Apprentice Engineer

    Wow, the PCU Limit is ... quite limiting :) I just checked my WIP and I am already at over 9k. :p
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Stardriver907

    Stardriver907 Master Engineer

    I thought it was just me but, yeah. I started a blank session and set the PCU limit at 5000. It took me about fifteen minutes to reach it. I do mechanical stuff first, so the station is just cargo containers, hydrogen and oxygen tanks, gas generators, conveyor tubes and connectors. This thing is going to end up being so small that I'm going to have trouble calling it a "station.":D
  21. mojomann71

    mojomann71 Senior Engineer

    @All just use the current NPC stations as a guideline. A few of them are nice looking and I am sure they are all under 5000 PCU... I could be wrong.

    Just because it is called a station doesn't mean it has to be large.
    There is a town about 30 miles or so from where I live, and I kid you not the police station (the entire station mind you) is only about the size of your average homes living room. :)
  22. Stardriver907

    Stardriver907 Master Engineer

    It doesn't :eek:?
  23. Rulin

    Rulin Apprentice Engineer

    PSA: Blocks like Doors, Lights, LCDs and Airtight Hangar Doors and Connectors use a lot of PCUs, quite the contrary to some decorative blocks which only use 1 PCU.

    A limit of 7.500 would be so much better for me. I think I start another one and use the current one for my survival game. Maybe there is a way to mod them in...
  24. Stardriver907

    Stardriver907 Master Engineer

    Well, out of that list I'm only guilty of using connectors. For reasons that might become clear if you folks ever get to see this station, it has 14 of them. So far. There was more.

    It's becoming clear that this station is either going to be either good looking or useful, but not both. There will be only one store block and one contract block, and no room for large groups of players to congregate.

    I don't currently play survival so all I really have to go on is the picture at the top of this thread. I can't be sure but I don't think it has an inside. If it does, it ain't much. I'm not saying impossible yet but I gotta tell ya, this is a lot easier when you don't have to sweat the PCU. An antenna means 10+ less potential decorative blocks. Gotta have an antenna, though. Beacon means 5 less. Contract and store blocks are10 PCU each. Probably means there will be just one each. I'm going to try my best but this station is going to be pretty lame. You might be able to buy stuff and get a contract, but don't expect to be able to party or stay overnight.

    Doors. Lights. Who needs 'em.
  25. Roxette

    Roxette Senior Engineer

    This fact was first discovered by the architects of ancient Egypt around 3000BC and has been an annoyance to engineers ever since.
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Like Like x 1
  26. Calaban

    Calaban Junior Engineer

    Honestly anyone who thinks the current NPC stations are "too small" seriously need to reexamine their own sense of proper scale of things.

    (we are a single engineer, piloting what.. a oil tanker?)
  27. mojomann71

    mojomann71 Senior Engineer

    I am no station builder for sure, but I threw one together since the 5000 PCU limit seemed to be an issue. I was able to meet all the requirements and I am still way under 5000 PCU. So it can be done. Again just have to think smaller scale and use existing NPC stations (or screenshots of them) as a guide. :)
  28. Rulin

    Rulin Apprentice Engineer

    I wonder what the correct workshop category is. I guess I just tick the exploration box. There is nothing else to choose after I click publish. It's been a while since I've uploaded something...

    Hm, upload failed. Anybody else having problems uploading their station-blueprint?
  29. Stardriver907

    Stardriver907 Master Engineer

    Ok. So I started again from scratch. This time I was going to prove how absurd these limits are. I started by stringing together only the essential blocks: Store block, Contract block, 2 connectors, conveyored connections between all functional parts, storage, power supply, hydrogen storage, oxygen tank and a h2/o2 generator, one active beacon.

    Minimal. no extra stuff.

    Came out to less than 2000 PCU. :?

    I don't know what happened the first time, but mojomann clearly had something to do with it.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  30. mojomann71

    mojomann71 Senior Engineer

    @Stardriver907 If I had anything to do with it is debatable, thanks though. :)
    Maybe I just "lit a fire" as one of my friends I play with says that I am able to do.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.