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Update 01.175 DEV - Lens Flares

Discussion in 'Change Log' started by Drui, Feb 16, 2017.

Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.
  1. Drui

    Drui Keen Update Guy Staff

    Hello, Engineers! This week’s update contains more improvements to the overall game and modding. Most noticeably, we’ve added lens flares to the sun. This should also be fully moddable so I look forward to seeing what modders can come up with. Please let us know your feedback on this graphical update in the comments below.
    Interior wall emissives will no longer be affected by changing the colour of the block itself and trash removal settings are now saved upon the reload of a world. Also, when you open the G screen, you will now be able to start typing in the search box immediately as it selected by default.
    Last week we added arrows to the block ghosts of LCD screens so you know their orientation before you place them and in survival mode, players can no longer take blueprints of grids they do not own and cannot transfer ownership to enemy players.
    In other news, the new HUD is still progressing nicely with initial implementation nearing completion after which designers will begin playtesting it. Additionally, we are working on an in-game cutscene editor. Although it is mainly designed to be paired with the visual scripting tool, you will also be able to preview cutscenes from within the game which will open up new possibilities for content creators.

    - Lens flares
    - First Official Visual Scripting Guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=850540770


    - G Screen default search ON
    - "O" turns antennas on and off now (same as 'L' does with spotlights)
    - changed ore and stone size to small, medium, large
    - fixed looping fall animation
    - fixed emissives for Interior Walls
    - fixed wrong highlight on large oxygen generator access point
    - fixed dissapearing smoke particles from destroyed block
    - fixed trash removal setting not being saved
    - fixed bad prediction for Missile turrets when moving
    - fixed unarmed Warheads making explosion sounds when shot
    - practice ship deleted from cargoships group
    - removed Station from G Screen¨

    - fixed crash when pressing ctrl+b while pointing at empty space
    - fixed collision with mirrored 5x5 wheel for small grids
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2017
    • Like Like x 24
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  2. anomalousreading

    anomalousreading Trainee Engineer

    First! Never, ever thought.. <3

    Edit: +1 to changes in the welder 'situation'

    Posses this forum poster

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2017
    • Like Like x 2
  3. beelzerob

    beelzerob Apprentice Engineer

    Wow, no mention of the welding issue? Expect outrage.

    *Goes back to Factorio*
    • Agree Agree x 17
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  4. sacksquatch

    sacksquatch Trainee Engineer

    Would be nice if you could only see the lens flare through a camera, since you only see them via optics in da IRLs.

    That's why they call them LENS flares :D

    Also I hate lens flares. Make it so we can disable it if you don't like the camera only idea.

    Thumbs up on LCD arrows!
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2017
    • Agree Agree x 26
    • Disagree Disagree x 4
  5. entspeak

    entspeak Senior Engineer

  6. AutoMcD

    AutoMcD Senior Engineer

    Looks good!

    ATMLVE Apprentice Engineer

    Lens flares! Had a visit from JJ Abrams did ya? I think that's a great change. Thanks for the update Keen. I am glad you're still actively involved with updating the game! It sure would suck if this game was abandoned like so many others. But rather, it gets weekly attention!

    Again I ask that you please provide more tutorials on visual scripting.
    Beginning today, I am going to link every post that I have ever made asking for more tutorials on visual scripting, beginning with the thread in the suggestions forums and then chronologically all of my posts in the update threads. Please note that every single one of them has been completely ignored. Keen, if you aren't going to tell us how to use the tools you made, than at least tell us that.

    Request: More Details on Visual Scripting

    Post #1
    Post #2
    Post #3
    Post #4
    Post #5
    Post #6
    • Agree Agree x 9
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  8. shimonu

    shimonu Apprentice Engineer

    Those lcd so much yes!!!
    • Agree Agree x 4
  9. posthy

    posthy Apprentice Engineer

    Absolutely agree! Please don't ruin the immersion, guys!

    At least the LCD arrows are great :)
    • Agree Agree x 8
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  10. Wuxian

    Wuxian Trainee Engineer

    I'm not a fan of lens flares, bloom and blur which mostly distracts me from the game, otherwise sounds like a nice update. I'd like to see lens flare be an option in the graphics settings.

    I really love the lcd directional arrows. Can we get a text filter for the production tab next? Or a blueprints explorer (folder structure)?
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2017
    • Agree Agree x 13
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  11. Lord Wraith

    Lord Wraith Apprentice Engineer

    a great new add with the lens flare, but what about fixing merge blocks not working right, ore and stone sliding around on the ground instead of rolling in planet gravity, the player's character being pushed by those same small rocks and ore, dying by your own tools ie grinder, welder and drill (old bug back aging) some bugs just need to be fixed.......
    • Agree Agree x 7
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  12. Dwarf-Lord Pangolin

    Dwarf-Lord Pangolin Senior Engineer

    Merge blocks ... ?
    • Agree Agree x 10
  13. Bruce LeedleLeedleLeedleLee

    Bruce LeedleLeedleLeedleLee Junior Engineer

    looks good, but there are still missing lod textures on small ship 1x1x2 slopes (on the larger part, and only from one side)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. Skinface

    Skinface Trainee Engineer

    FYI If anyone really wants to they can disable lens flares by entering the Developer Menu - F12, then select the render tab, then tick the "Overrides" box which will show the menu that contains the on/off check box for lens flares.
    • Informative Informative x 19
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  15. Rhilianis

    Rhilianis Trainee Engineer

    Ok, that's a confusing update.... the lcd directional arrows were in the game last week, and no mention of the welder fix (even though last week they said they would have it fixed this week) so.... ?????????????????

    edit: disabling lens flare won't work (ie accessing the F12 menu) if you are a client on a mp server
    • Agree Agree x 8
  16. flexx

    flexx SE Asst. Producer Staff

    Check this out!!!! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=850540770
    • Like Like x 4
  17. FlakMagnet

    FlakMagnet Senior Engineer

    lense flares....gotta love that dazzle :)
    • Disagree Disagree x 5
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  18. -=Ripps=-

    -=Ripps=- Trainee Engineer

    I was expecting more.... no idea why...

    Pretty sure you'd stil get them via your suits visor, but yea that would be sweet if you opened the visor and flares were gone
    • Agree Agree x 6
  19. Harrekin

    Harrekin Master Engineer

    Space Engineers - Now with 100% more JJ Abrams ;)
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  20. ATMLVE

    ATMLVE Apprentice Engineer

    That is FANtastic. Great start. I'll give it a read through and I'm sure I'll learn more. In the meantime, since I am finally being recognized, it would be awesome to have details on the extra drone actions which were added a few updates back specifically for visual scripting, such as strafing and ramming. I don't want to sound ungrateful, so thank you so much for putting this up here! There is still a lot more to learn about the program and it would benefit the whole community to make a series. You would see a lot of maps coming out. I also believe it currently is quite a challenge to get player-made campaigns to work from the workshop.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  21. KingdomBragg

    KingdomBragg Junior Engineer

    Looking good, thanks :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  22. atcrulesyou

    atcrulesyou Trainee Engineer

    Couldn't your glass-front helmet cause them too?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  23. Lurch84

    Lurch84 Trainee Engineer

    Hooray! No more having to manually delete this sucker! Ill forgive the welders not being fixed this week for that :)
    • Like Like x 1
  24. Repo Mann

    Repo Mann Apprentice Engineer

    Lens Flares? I guess we will get the Cage flares soon
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  25. sacksquatch

    sacksquatch Trainee Engineer

    Possibly, but I want to think helmets would be designed to prevent this, to not distract or obscure the astronaut's vision. I know Osiris helmets do and its irritating :D
  26. max1998t1

    max1998t1 Trainee Engineer

    Can someone please explain what this means? What size?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  27. thecyberscorpion

    thecyberscorpion Trainee Engineer

    So no more Space Engineer Jesus on a cross? :(
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  28. Forcedminer

    Forcedminer Senior Engineer

    time to mod the lens flare so it says...............send nudes................
    --- Automerge ---
    awww i liked that...felt like the enigneer was doing the WELL? WHAT IS IT? pose to gravity
    --- Automerge ---

    i guess it means the loose ore rocks can have a bigger size.

    normally you can carry 10k of ore you could store many more times that in a cargo container if the cargo container was to break and say 100k of ore was dropped out it'd be the same size....

    guess it means it'll have a bigger or small size bested on amount of ore.
  29. VigotheDudepathian

    VigotheDudepathian Trainee Engineer

    I dunno about you, but if I was standing on the moon I would want a VISOR on my helmet....that would be polarized yeah they are cool looking but kinda dumb. Actually space suits have multiple visors that can be pulled up and down, I wonder if we will ever get thet. Maybe at least make the lens flare only when your visor would be down.
  30. Dwarf-Lord Pangolin

    Dwarf-Lord Pangolin Senior Engineer

    ... merge blocks?
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
Thread Status:
This last post in this thread was made more than 31 days old.